For the LOVE of clean cooking…..

Paleo Vanilla Bean Granola Bar

From the time that The Clean Cooks was just a dream, it has always been about eating healthy, fresh food.  We enjoy the challenge of “cleaning up” a recipe to make it nutritious and still taste amazing.  Knowing healthy swaps for ingredients, trials, and many errors are part of the process.  Coming up with a great recipe is the reward!

The Paleo Vanilla Bean Granola Bar was one of our first to share officially as The Clean Cooks.  It was also the first recipe that came to mind when Bite Sized Fitness generuosly offered to share our content on her website.  I enjoy having this bar meal-prepped for the week to keep me on track when my energy level is low and I need that little something to get me to dinner.  I love it even more when I bring it to a gathering and everyone raves about it.  It destroys their skeptical idea about what a healthy snack is supposed to taste like.  This is no celery stick!

We consider the opportunity to share with the #BiteSizeArmy an honor and are extremely grateful.  Smashing the stereotype of bland birdseed and rabbit food as your fate once you decide to eat healthy is our goal.  Our passion is cooking.  Putting the two together is mission straight from our hearts to your home.


Michelle and Jillian

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